
Showing posts from December, 2006


The introduction below was written when I first thought "blogging" would be a good idea as I processed my thinking on the nature of my faith (Christian) and my faith community (the church). I have traveled quite some distance since 2007 - in life shape, in location, and in thinking. I am no longer at that "small Baptist church". In fact, that church no longer exists - at least, not in the form it was in when I first wrote. And that is part of the story that I will begin to tell in this blog (in 2017). I now work in one of the most exciting missional opportunities available in Australia - and so I will be taking a much larger risk whenever I touch on the "heretical" stuff referred to below. But I still am committed to the notion that "It's always about Jesus". And that will be something I will be constantly exploring in this blog. I am leaving the original introduction pretty much in tact. It appears that it still pretty much applies, as...