
Showing posts from July, 2007

Is the bible "true"?

Is the bible "true"? It starts to occur to me that this is a very dumb question in the context of our culture, where truth is so variable in its definition. But it might also be a dumb question theologically - premised primarily as it is on the mistaken notion of a one-to-one relationship between the Scriptures and the word of God. The only possible one-to-one that we can make with the word of God is Jesus - even if we take the bible as "infallible" - hence John 1:1. So I reckon that the word of God is a person, not a thing. And that correlation in itself seems to me to be much more readily identifiable as God's way of establishing, maintaining and developing relationship with his creation - his intention to converse, connect and create. A better question than "is the bible true" might be - does the Bible accurately reflect the sort of relationship that God might want with us? And this leads to a core premise - that if the answer to this last questio...