
Showing posts from 2008

Missional-emerging church - the divine uncertainty

OK - so it's over a year since I wrote anything. And (again) this won't be a long piece. It arises from meeting with several leaders in UK missional-emerging-somewhat-trendy-but-all-very-dedicated church communities over the last fortnight. And while my summation of that experience will wait until I have had more time to reflect, one short phrase occurs: "divine uncertainty". In the midst of all that has been good, and passionate, and wonderfully godly, in the people that I have met, I have detected a (sometimes unacknowledged) uncertainty that I have found beautifully healthy. Frankly, no two expressions of church among those I have met with have been the same. Occasional similarities have arisen - and some common themes. More on those later. But generally, among the six or seven communities that I have engaged with (however briefly), flux is the common factor. Some with a greater anxiety about change might even term it chaos. But I have come to wonder whether this i...